2、科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado),简称CU,于1876年创立,是一个世界一流公立大学系统,拥有分布在科罗拉多州内的四个校区,分别为科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(CU Boulder)、科罗拉多大学斯普林斯分校(UCCS)、科罗拉多大学丹佛分校(UCD)和科罗拉多大学安楚医学校区(CU Anschutz)。自建校以来,该系统共有13位校友荣获诺贝尔奖,7位校友荣获麦克阿瑟奖。
3、• Located in the western part of the US; borders with Wyoming to the north, Nebraska to the north east, Kansas to the east, Oklahoma and New Mexico to the south, and Utah to the west
4、• The point at which Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico meet is known as the‘Four Corners’
5、• Like neighboring states Utah and Wyoming, Colorado has no natural borders– its territory is defined by lines of latitude and longitude, rather than natural features
6、• State capital Denver is nicknamed the‘mile-high’ city, as its official elevation point– a spot on the steps of the State Capital building– is one mile above sea level
7、• South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone met while studying at the University of Colorado at Boulder
8、• The 500-mile Colorado Trail, popular with hikers, crosses eight mountain ranges, seven national forests, six wilderness zones and five rivers
14、 If you like the idea of studying in a US state crammed full of some of the most breathtaking scenery on the planet, coupled with a laid-back culture and a thriving ski scene– and let’s face it, you probably do– then Colorado could be the place for you.In a country where natural beauty comes as standard, Colorado still manages to outdo most of the competition. The Rocky Mountain National Park alone is visited by more than three million people annually.
15、 Dominated by the‘Rockies’, not only does Colorado contain the 30 highest peaks on the American mainland, it also boasts four national parks, 11 national forests, 41 national wilderness areas, and a plethora of other outdoor attractions.Sports fans will be overwhelmed by Colorado’s endless variety of ways to combine keeping fit with exploring the great outdoors: from hiking, rock climbing and mountain biking, to some of the best skiing and snowboarding slopes to be found anywhere in the world.Meanwhile, literary types may be attracted by the state’s links with the‘Beat’ group of writers. Denver features as one of the key locations in Jack Kerouac’s classic novel On the Road(1957), and in 1974, poets Allen Ginsberg and Anne Waldman helped establish the Jack Kerouac School at Naropa University, in Boulder, Colorado.
18、 Colorado’s highest ranking university is the University of Colorado at Boulder(CU-Boulder), which is rated at 142 in the 2011/12 QS World University Rankings.Based in the small city of Boulder, CU-Boulder is part of the University of Colorado System, which also includes University of Colorado, Denver, and the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs– which has an additional medical campus in Aurora.Slightly confusingly, the state’s second-highest ranked institution, Colorado State University(based in Fort Collins), is also part of a university‘system’. Called the Colorado State University System, this also includes Colorado State University-Pueblo, and CSU-Global Campus– which offers online courses only.
19、科罗拉多州排名最高的大学是博尔德的科罗拉多大学,在2011/12 QS世界大学排名中,它的排名是142。作为博尔德市的科罗拉多大学系统的一部分,也包括科罗拉多大学、丹佛大学和科罗拉多斯普林斯的科罗拉多大学。科罗拉多斯普林斯大学在奥罗拉有一个额外的医学园区。
20、美国排名第二的科罗拉多州立大学(以柯林斯堡为基地)排名第二,也是大学系统的一部分。科罗拉多州立大学系统,也包括科罗拉多州立大学-普韦布洛大学和csu- global校区,它只提供在线课程。
2、科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado),简称CU,创立于1876年,是一个世界一流公立大学系统,拥有分布在科罗拉多州内的四个校区,分别为科罗拉多大学博尔德分校(CU Boulder)、科罗拉多大学斯普林斯分校(UCCS)、科罗拉多大学丹佛分校(UCD)和科罗拉多大学安楚医学校区(CU Anschutz)。
5、根据The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2010-2011,博尔德校区排名为全球67,在上海交通大学世界大学学术排名上位列32,英国《泰晤士报》世界大学综合排名为97。
6、在截止到2014年的近十年内,物理系先后有4人获得诺贝尔奖,光学、原子等方向在美国排名第一;航天工程(Aerospace Engineering Sciences)专业在US News上2011年的排名全美第十二;大气与海洋科学系2014年位于美国前五名。